Saturday, 22 September 2012


Hey guys, I hope you all had a wonderful week :)
My week was going on well until yesterday.I made the most stupid mistake of all time...I went shopping with my little cousin and in the process,  went to withdraw some money from the ATM machine and forgot to take the money withdrawn...Since then, been a little bit  down because it was quite some amount of money and some of my friends asked me to go to the bank and see if they would be able to refund the money back to possible is that???

Had to get over the silly mood because MY  BIRTHDAY is TOMORROW (24/09)....I felt it happened for a reason and the devil is trynna find every means to make me depressed but he failed ...I just had to put a smile on that face, if not for anything, but for the possession of  24hrs right in front of me every single day..for that alone...I'm thankful.........So I went really casual with my outfit...:)

Hair is in a proper mess and d wind didnt help too...!!

Who loves McFlurry as much as I do ? :)

Not too sure about what am doing for my birthday but whatever the case may be, will definately keep you guys posted :)

Quote of the day : The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph :)

Denim Jacket, top,bag,belt -Primark
Bangles- Random (old)
Rings -primark&Ebay

Have an amazing weekend ahead lovelys,
Lots of  love,
Ofure .O


  1. Awwww. So sorry about your money. That must really hurt! Good to see you're putting on a smile regardless! xx

  2. Ouch that's really annoying. But hopefully you can put it behind you :)
    Love the casual look

    Lola xx

  3. Oh shit, that's painful. Sorry. Happy Birthday in advance! :) and i love the look!

  4. Ahh hun sorry to hear about your money, you should still try it doesn't hurt. It is always good to stay positive hun and happy birthday in advance! x

  5. lovely pictures,wanna follow thru GFC?will do same..cheers

  6. Aww sorry to hear about the money :( But happy birthday for tomorrow love! :) Hope you have a wonderful day full of blessings! <3

    XOXO Sade

    1. Happy alot sade (name sake :))..really appreciate :) xx

  7. you look so so pretty ! what do you think of following each other on GFC? let me know

    Much of love,

  8. Adore this look hun :) belts gorge

    I’m also running a giveaway so would love if you could enter!

    1. Thank you..will def check it out and thanks for d invite :)

  9. Great outfit; love your bag.

    And happy birthday to you <3.

    I'm following you now on GFC; would be pleased if you followed back.

    My Bathroom Is My Castle – Beauty Blog

  10. Girl, all I can say is... ouch! I know how it feels to loose money. Not good. On another note, happy birthday!!! And that outfit is too cute!

  11. Happy birthday, hope you had a wonderful day! I can imagine how mad i'll be if i forgot to grab my money at the ATM, it always hurts losing money. I like your laidback outfit, hope you & your cousin had a fun time shopping..

    1. I kno aiit...I'm even suprised how I got over it quickly...I had an amazing time hun..Thanks alot for the comment :* xx
